Diverse group of businesspeople working together to solve a puzzle

Do You Like Boring Adult Stuff Now?!

Growing up means starting to love some boring old adult stuff!

Millennials and Gen X’ers are talking about all the stuff they thought was mind-numbingly boring as a kid, but they love now!  Here’s the top 10:

1.  Slicing into a perfectly ripe avocado.

2.  Bird-watching.

3.  Instant Pots.

4.  Organizing.  And, by extension, the Container Store.

5.  Alone time.  Sitting in silence . . . doing nothing.

6.  Paying bills.

7.  Checking items off to-do lists.

8.  Puzzles.  Some people even get amped about framing them afterward.

9.  High-quality bedding.  And spending time SLEEPING in that bedding.

10.  Going to the grocery store or a place like CVS and getting a great deal on something.  Someone said, “Swiping my loyalty card . . . and watching the total drop.”

11.  Walking into a Costco.

12.  Cleaning.

13.  Yardwork.

14.  Getting up early on a Saturday to go to the local farmer’s market.

15.  Leftovers.

I’m surprised leftovers aren’t at number 1!

– Joe Lose